Privacy Policy

We respect and protect user information and will treat it with a high degree of diligence and duty of care. When you use the services offered on our website, we will collect, process and disclose your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We want this Privacy Policy to give you a clear picture of what we do with your information, so we recommend that you read it in full to help you understand how to maintain your privacy.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact us using the various contact details we have provided.
This policy will help you understand the following:
i. the scope of this agreement
ii. how we collect and use your user information
iii. how we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your User Information
IV. User business data and public information
V. How you manage your user information
VI. How we use cookies and similar technologies
VII. How we protect and preserve your User Information
VIII. Special Agreement for Minors’ User Information
IX. Updates to the Privacy Policy
X. How to contact us

I. Scope of Application of this Agreement
1.1. This Privacy Policy applies to all the services on our website. The services include providing you with page browsing, website login services, and technical services provided to you through our website.
1.2. This Privacy Policy does not apply to services provided to you by other third parties.
1.3. In particular, if you, as our user, utilise our technical services to provide further services to your users, as your business data belongs to you, you should agree a separate privacy policy with your users.

Second, how we collect and use your user information
(I) Circumstances in which we collect your User Information
2.1. To help you become our member
2.1.1. When you create an account on our website, you must provide us with a member name, set and confirm your login password, and provide your mobile phone number in the People’s Republic of China. The mobile phone number you submit is used to accept the verification code when you register, log in, bind your account, recover your password, and as one of the contact methods you designate with us to receive relevant business notifications (such as new products, service changes, etc.).
2.1.2 After you have registered our account, you can continue to fill in your information in the ‘Basic Information’ column of your account, including (1) your membership type (individual, enterprise), unit name (if you have completed the real-name authentication, the name of the unit will be based on your real-name authentication information), the number of years in business, business size, engaged in the industry, main business scale, industry, main business, main products, website domain name; (2) contact information (country, region, street, contact phone, fax). If you do not provide this information, it will not affect your use of a specific technical service. The information you provide in this Article (1) will help us better understand your demand for our services, so that we can target to you to promote, introduce products; you provide the information in this Article (2), we may use the above ways to promote, advertise products to you, mail business notices (including billing) or business communication with you.
2.1.3. After you have registered for an account with us, you will be required to submit contact information, including the email address and mobile phone number of your designated contact person and the contact person’s position, to the management console of your account. We will use such information to promote and introduce our products to you, to send you business notices (including bills) or to communicate with you.
2.1.4. You do not need to register as a member and provide the above information if you only need to use basic services such as browsing and searching on our website.

2.1.5 If you have already registered an account with Zhejiang II-II Network Limited Network Co. If you log in our website through the account of platform and personal WeChat account, the real-name registration information (name/business name, ID card number/business licence number, mobile phone number/email address) of the corresponding account will be synchronised to us. If you log in to our website through other accounts, you still need to submit your real identity information in accordance with the real name authentication method provided by us.
2.2 Provision of technical services to you
2.2.1. According to the laws of the People’s Republic of China, when you use specific technical services, you should provide your real identity information through your account. If you provide your real identity information through our account, we provide you with a variety of ways to assist you in providing the information, and you should choose the appropriate way according to your identity attributes. If you are authenticating your real name through a public account, you will need to provide the following information to us

2.1.2. After you have registered our account, you can continue to fill in your information in the ‘Basic Information’ column of your account, including (1) the type of your membership (individual, enterprise), unit name (if you have completed the real-name authentication, the name of the unit will be based on your real-name authentication information), years of business, business size, industry, main business, main products, website domain name; (2) contact information (country, region, street, contact telephone, fax). scale, industry, main business, main products, website domain name; (2) contact information (country, region, street, contact phone, fax). If you do not provide this information, it will not affect your use of a specific technical service. The information you provide in this Article (1) will help us better understand your demand for our services, so that we can target to you to promote, introduce products; you provide the information in this Article (2), we may use the above ways to promote, advertise products to you, mail business notices (including billing) or business communication with you.
2.1.3. After you have registered for an account with us, you will be required to submit contact information, including the email address and mobile phone number of your designated contact person and the contact person’s position, to the management console of your account. We will use such information to promote and introduce our products to you, to send you business notices (including bills) or to communicate with you.
2.1.4. You do not need to register as a member and provide the above information if you only need to use basic services such as browsing and searching on our website.

2.1.5 If you have already registered an account with Zhejiang II-II Network Limited Network Co. If you log in our website through the account of platform and personal WeChat account, the real-name registration information (name/business name, ID card number/business licence number, mobile phone number/email address) of the corresponding account will be synchronised to us. If you log in to our website through other accounts, you still need to submit your real identity information in accordance with the real name authentication method provided by us.
2.2 Provision of technical services to you
2.2.1. According to the laws of the People’s Republic of China, when you use specific technical services, you should provide your real identity information through your account. If you provide your real identity information through our account, we provide you with a variety of ways to assist you in providing the information, and you should choose the appropriate way according to your identity attributes. If you authenticate your real name by means of a public account, you need to submit to us your business registration area, business nature, business name and business licence registration number, as well as bank account information (including bank account opening bank, bank account number and account holder). We will confirm your real name information with your submitted business registration area, business nature, business name and business licence registration number, and we will only provide you with the bank account information (including the account bank, bank account number and account holder) as a real name authentication when the payment account. If you through the individual to carry out real-name authentication, you need to provide us with your ID card front and back photos.
2.2.2. We will collect the following information during your use of the Services: Device information: We will receive and record information about the device you use (such as device model, operating system version, device settings, unique device identifier and other hardware and software characteristics), the location of the device (such as the IP address, GPS location, and Wi-Fi access points, Bluetooth and base stations that can provide the relevant information), and the location of the device (such as the IP address, GPS location, and Wi-Fi access points, Bluetooth and base stations that can provide the relevant information), in accordance with the specific permissions granted by you in the installation and use of the software. access points, sensors such as Bluetooth and base stations, etc.). We may correlate the previous two categories of information so that we can provide you with a consistent service across devices. log information: when you use the services provided by our websites or clients, we automatically collect details of your use of our services and save them as relevant web logs. For example, the content of your search query, IP address, type of browser, telecommunication operator, language used, date and time of access and records of web pages you visit. user account support information: based on your use of our services generated by the user’s consultation records, fault reporting records and troubleshooting process for the user’s fault (such as communication or call logs), we will record and analyse this information in order to respond to your requests for assistance in a more timely manner, as well as for the improvement of services.
2.2.3 When we provide you with business functions or specific services, we will collect, use, store, provide and protect your user information in accordance with this Policy and the corresponding product service agreements; if we collect your user information beyond the scope of this Policy and the corresponding product service agreements, we will separately explain the information collection to you.
(ii) When we use your User Information
2.3. We use the User Information you submit and that we collect for the following purposes:
2.3.1. in order to provide the Services to you, we may send you information, notifications or business communications with you, including but not limited to verification codes necessary to ensure the completion of the Services, push notifications necessary to use the Services;
2.3.2. in order to maintain and improve the Services and to provide you with information that better meets your personalised needs, we may combine information about users of one of the Services on our Website with information from other Services, to create feature models and user profiles, and to display and push information and possible commercial advertisements to you, including, but not limited to, news about our products as well as marketing activities and promotional offers information, promotional information from our partner third parties, or other content that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive commercial electronic messages from us, you may unsubscribe by replying to the SMS alert or by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in the message;
2.3.3. we may design, develop and promote new products and services based on statistical data about our users; we may compile statistics about the use of our services and may share such statistics with the public or third parties, but such statistics do not contain any identifying information about you;
2.3.4. In order to improve the security of your use of the services provided by us and our affiliates and partners, to ensure the safety of the operating environment and to identify abnormal account status, to protect your personal and property safety or that of other users or the public from being infringed upon, to better prevent phishing websites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, computer viruses, cyber-attacks, cyber-intrusion and other security risks, and to more accurately identify violations of laws, regulations or our relevant agreements and rules, we will not provide you with any identifying information about you. related agreements and rules, we may use your membership information, and integrate device information, relevant network logs, and information legally shared by our affiliates and partners to determine the risk of your account and transactions, authentication, detection and prevention of security incidents, and to take the necessary records, audits, analyses, and disposal measures in accordance with the law;
2.3.5. We will inform you again and obtain your express consent before using your information beyond the purpose claimed at the time of collection or beyond the scope of use that is directly or reasonably related.

How We Share, Transfer, and Publicly Disclose Your User Information
3.1. Sharing
We do not share your User Information with other organisations and individuals, except in the following circumstances:
3.1.1. Sharing with Explicit Consent: We will share your User Information with other parties after obtaining your explicit consent;
3.1.2. Sharing under legal circumstances: we may share your user information in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, litigation, arbitration settlement needs, or at the request of administrative or judicial organs in accordance with the law;
3.1.3. In order to facilitate transactions or assist in resolving disputes, in some cases, only your user information can be shared to facilitate transactions or deal with disputes or controversies between you and others, for example, in a transaction created by us, if any party to the transaction fulfils or partially fulfils its obligations under the transaction and submits a request for disclosure of information, we have the right to decide to provide the user with the contact information of the counterparty of the transaction and other necessary information, in order to facilitate the completion of the transaction. to facilitate the completion of the transaction;
3.1.4. Sharing with Authorised Partners: We may engage trusted partners to provide the Services, and therefore we may share certain of your User Information with our partners to provide better customer service and optimise the user experience. We will only share your User Information for purposes that are lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific, and clearly identified, and will only share User Information that is necessary to provide the Services. Our partners are not authorised to use the shared user information for any other purpose.
Currently, we have the following types of authorised partners: law firms, service providers and other partners. We send information to vendors, service providers and other partners who support our business by providing basic technical services, providing consulting, analysis and other professional services.
Companies, organisations and individuals with whom we share user information are bound by strict confidentiality agreements and information protection covenants that require them to handle user information in accordance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.
3.2. Transfer
We will not transfer your User Information to any companies, organisations or individuals, except in the following circumstances:
3.2.1. transfers with explicit consent: with your explicit consent, we will transfer to other parties your3.2.2. in the event of a merger, acquisition or insolvency of us with another legal entity, or other situation involving a merger, acquisition or insolvency involving the transfer of user information, we will require the new company or organisation holding your user information to continue to be bound by this policy, or we will require that company, organisation or individual to seek authorisation from you again.
3.3 Public disclosure
We will only publicly disclose your User Information in the following circumstances:
3.3.1. with your express consent or based on your active choice, we may publicly disclose your User Information;
3.3.2. or in order to protect the personal and property safety of users of our Platform and its affiliates or the public from infringement, we may disclose User Information about you in accordance with applicable laws or relevant agreements and rules of our Platform.
3.4. Exceptions to obtaining prior authorised consent to share, transfer or publicly disclose User Information
In the following cases, you do not need to obtain your prior authorised consent to share, transfer or publicly disclose your User Information:
3.4.1. related to national security, national defence security;
3.4.2. related to public security, public health, and significant public interests;
3.4.3. related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial and judgement execution;
3.4.4. For the purpose of safeguarding the life, property and other important legal rights and interests of you or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person himself/herself;
3.4.5. Personal information that you disclose to the public on your own;
3.4.6. Personal information collected from legitimate publicly disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

IV. User Business Data and Public Information
Unlike your user information, for user business data and public information, we will handle them as follows:
4.1. User Business Data
4.1.1. The data that you process, store, upload, download, distribute, and otherwise handle through the services provided by us are your User Business Data, and you fully own your User Business Data. As a platform, we will only process your business data in strict accordance with your instructions, and will not make any unauthorised use or disclosure of your business data, except in accordance with the consensus with you or the implementation of explicit legal and regulatory requirements.
4.1.2 You are responsible for the source and content of your User Business Data, and we advise you to exercise caution in determining the legality of the source and content. You shall bear all the results and responsibilities caused by the content of your user business data violating laws and regulations, departmental rules or national policies.
4.1.3 According to the agreement between you and us, we store your business data in the data centre of your choice. We abide by the security commitments to users and protect the data stored in our data centre in accordance with applicable laws.
4.2 Public Information
4.2.1. Public information means any information that you share publicly and that can be viewed or accessed by anyone, both with and without the use of our website.
4.2.2. When using some of the services on our website, you will inevitably disclose your personal information, such as contact details or postal address, to counterparties or potential counterparties. Please protect your personal information and provide it to others only when necessary. You can also connect and share with each other through our Services. When you create a communication, transaction or sharing through our services, you can independently choose the person to whom you communicate, transact or share as a third party who can see your contact information, communication information or sharing content and other related information. If you find that your personal information is leaked, especially your account or password is leaked, please contact our customer service immediately so that we can take appropriate measures.
V. How you manage your user information
5.1 You can log into our website or client ‘management console’ to query, manage (change, delete) the basic business information (basic data) and contact information submitted when using our services.
5.2. If you need to change your real-name authentication information on your account with us, you need to contact us via work order, telephone, etc., and follow our operating documents; if you need to change your real-name authentication information submitted through your Taobao or Alipay account, you need to go to the website where the original account was registered to make the change.
5.3. In the following cases, you may request us to delete user information:
5.3.1. if our handling of User Information violates laws and regulations;
5.3.2. if we collect or use your User Information without your express consent.
5.3.3. if our processing of personal information constitutes a serious breach of our agreement with you.
For security purposes, you may be required to provide a written request or otherwise prove your identity. We may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request.
5.4 Each business function requires some basic user information to be completed (see Section 2 of this Privacy Policy). In addition to this, you can give or withdraw your consent to authorisation by contacting our customer service. When you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the corresponding user information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of user information previously carried out on the basis of your authorisation.

How we use cookies and similar technologies
6.1 In order to ensure the proper functioning of our website, to make your visit easier and to recommend content that may be of interest to you, we store small data files called cookies on your computer or mobile device, which usually contain an identifier, the name of the site and some numbers and characters. We can only read the cookies that we provide.
6.2. Cookies make it possible to store data such as your preferences or the items in your purchase list. The next time you visit us again, we will display the information you need or we will recognise the website from which you came by means of a cookie file so that we can track the effectiveness of our advertising.
6.3. You can manage your cookies according to your preferences, and you can clear all cookies stored on your computer; most web browsers have the ability to block cookies. Most web browsers have the ability to block cookies, but if you do this you will need to change your user settings each time you visit our website. For more information on how to change your browser settings, please visit the relevant settings page of the browser you are using. 6.4.
6.4 In addition to cookies, we also use other similar technologies such as web beacons and pixel tags on our website. For example, the emails we send you may contain a link to an address that links to content on our website, and if you click on the link, we track the click to help us understand your product or service preferences so that we can proactively improve our customer service experience. A web beacon is typically a transparent image embedded on a website or in an email. Pixel tags in emails allow us to know if an email has been opened. If you do not want your activity to be tracked in this way, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time.

How We Protect and Retain Your User Information
7.1. We take the security of your information very seriously. We endeavour to take all reasonable physical, electronic and managerial security measures to protect your User Information. We protect User Information from unauthorised access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. We use encryption technology to improve the security of User Information; we use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on User Information; we deploy access control mechanisms to endeavour to ensure that only authorised personnel have access to User Information; and we organise security and privacy training courses to raise staff awareness of the importance of protecting User Information.
7.2 We will take reasonably practicable steps to avoid collecting irrelevant User Information. We will retain your User Information only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes described in this Policy, except as permitted by law.
7.3. Please help us to keep your account secure by using complex passwords. We will endeavour to keep any information you send us secure. In the event of a breach of our physical, technical or administrative safeguards which results in unauthorised access, public disclosure, alteration or destruction of information, resulting in damage to your legal rights and interests, we will be liable.
7.4. After the unfortunate occurrence of a user information security incident (leakage, loss, etc.), we will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform you of: the basic situation of the security incident and its possible impact, the measures we have taken or will take to deal with the incident, the suggestions you can make to prevent and reduce the risk on your own, and remedial measures for you. We will promptly inform you of the situation related to the incident by email, letter, phone call, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform the users of the subject of the information one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to publish a public announcement.
7.5. At the same time, we will also report the handling of user information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.
7.6. We will store your user information collected in the People’s Republic of China. If we need to transmit personal information out of the country for business purposes in compliance with applicable laws, we will obtain your consent in advance and inform you of the purpose of the user information out of the country, the recipients, the security measures, and the security risks.
7.7. In the event that our products and services cease to operate, we will take reasonable measures to protect the security of your user information, including promptly stopping the activities of continuing to collect user information; the notice of the cessation of operation will be notified to the user in the form of one-by-one delivery or public announcement; and the personal information held by us will be deleted or anonymised.

VIII. Special Agreement on Minors’ User Information
8.1. We mainly provide products and services for adults. If you are a minor, we ask you to ask your parents or guardians to read this Privacy Policy carefully and to use our services or provide information to us with the consent of your parents or guardians.
8.2. For the collection of personal information of minors through the use of our products or services with the consent of their parents or guardians, we will only use, share, transfer or disclose this information as permitted by laws and regulations, with the explicit consent of their parents or guardians, or as necessary for the protection of minors.

IX. Updates to our Privacy Policy
9.1. Our privacy policy may be revised.
9.2. We will not limit your rights under this Privacy Policy without your express consent. We will post any revisions to our Privacy Policy on a dedicated page.
9.3. We will also provide more prominent notice of material amendments (including, for certain services, notification by means of a public notice on the Website or even a pop-up notification to you of specific changes to the Privacy Policy).
9.4. Material changes within the meaning of this Policy include, but are not limited to:
9.4.1. material changes to our service model. For example, the purpose of processing user information, the type of user information processed, and how user information is used;
9.4.2. significant changes in our control, organisational structure, etc. such as changes in ownership due to business restructuring, bankruptcy and mergers and acquisitions, etc;
9.4.3. Changes in the main object of sharing, transferring or publicly disclosing user information;
9.4.4. Significant changes in your rights to participate in the handling of user information and the manner in which they are exercised;

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